The Mental Funny Bone

Episode Nineteen: What The Actual Holy Hell Just Happened

Gaster Girls Season 2 Episode 5

Fan Mail Goes Here!!

In this episode, Sarah and Christine navigate the relentless technical hiccups during the recording, sharing everything from personal anecdotes about post-graduation struggles to attempts at building better habits inspired by 'Atomic Habits'. They highlight the importance of accommodations for college students with mental health concerns, recount hilarious and heartfelt stories from their past, delve into their Olympic viewing experiences, and candidly discuss their exercise victories and setbacks. They also engage in light-hearted banter about their lives while tackling bigger topics such as mental health, personal growth, and self-improvement.

PS: If you're not checking our episodes out on YouTube, you are missing out! Our faces during all of the technical issues... priceless.

How to find mental health help when you're struggling.
Apps - Just search mental health where you get your apps.
EAP programs are a great place to look for help!!

Additional Resources (Sports Related):


Hello, and welcome to the fun. Fuck off.


I'm sorry. I forget that the five goes faster for me than it does for you. Sorry. Carry on. I'll cut that out.


Hello and welcome to the Mental Funnybone Becoming the Gaster Girls.


I'm Sarah. And I'm Christine. A big part of this podcast is discussing mental health, and ways to improve yourself. we're not medical professionals, but we have links that will get you to a mental health professional. Thank y'all. so there you go. Check those out in our show notes and please avail yourself of those resources. Explain avail yourself. please use them to your best advantage.


Okay. Okay. I would like to just, dumb it down for the listeners like myself. Avail yourself. I feel like I'm taking a veil off.


I'm trying to class it up here, trying to class it up.


That's exactly what I thought of was having your veil on. Remember when I was wearing your veil and I had your veil on and I was taking it off. It wasn't your veil. It was New Year's Eve decorations. No, it was


two months after my wedding and you were at a New Year's Eve party where we were doing shots of Jagermeister off a giant ice cube.


God, the good old days. I miss the good old days.




much. We stole baby Jesus and I stole some tool that was decorating something and wrapped it around my head.


And you had a top hat at some point, I think.


Ooh, short and I punched a hole in it.


You were like, here's what I think about your top hat. Yup. To a stranger. Yeah. The best. All valid. It was the best decade. All valid. The best decade. Yeah. And no one got sad or upset or hurt or we didn't have to sit down and talk about our feelings about it. We're like, Hey, sorry about your top hat. Do you want to do, vodka? Would you


like to check out that 99 bananas bottle of something over there? Let's go see that.


We'll mix that with the vodka and see what happens.


Nothing bad. That's what it was. It was an ice block that had two little things that came together, right? And there was vodka and 99 banana, or there was two liquors. Say it again. And you just, two liquors. I don't even know her. And there were two of her. It's weird. and you just. you just put your mouth at the end of the ice block and people poured the booze in and


volunteer bartenders not


I Don't understand how we lived


honestly the




It was oh it was It was like fancy shops like a sour apple like whatever we were using to make the martinis We were just having martinis over an ice block What's the name?


I, it begins with a D. What's the name of the, damn it. The apple pucker. what was the name of the maker? Dekuper. Dekiper. Dekuper. Dekaperpa. Yeah, it was deca, it was decaca something. Decaca. Apple pucker. Pretty sure. Dekuper.




D E K U Y P E R. I'm fairly certain that I'm not saying that. Correctly. Probably German


or Finnish. gastrogirls, at gmail. com, if you know what nationality that is, and can say it.


at this stage in the game, I am asking you to correct everything I say incorrectly. Please. Send me an email and tell me what a fucking idiot I am.


There will be a Gastrogirls. There will be a time. At gmail.




At gmail. com. There will be a time where we're going to ask you to quit it, but now is not. Yeah. Now is not that time.


But right now, I would like you to correct me. Thank you.


All right. Speaking of our email address, and moving on from the insanity that was the late 90s, early 2000s, we got, we got a very nice note from our second cousin once removed.


I just say cousin. I just refer to Yvonne and that, their whole family, all of them as cousins. They're all




whose wedding did you go to? My cousin's. Cousin's,


cousin's wedding. Yeah, it's just we have been pestering her. about the podcast. I feel like we've been mentioning it around her.


You say we as though I was a part of the pestering. Me. it's been me. It's been me. Setting it straight.


Setting it straight. So she's, she's co located in Raleigh where Olivia is and I see her pretty frequently and every time I'm like, oh, we have that podcast, mer, podcast, mer. And, mer, I don't like to tell people that they have to listen, but I was really excited, when she sent us a quick note that she had listened to our first episode and, gave us some claps. So thanks. Thanks, Yvonne. we've, yeah, I love that. We're really happy that you listened and we're really happy you didn't immediately tell us to stop it or, correct any of our grammar. we appreciate that.


Yeah. I thought it was pretty crazy that she picked the one episode that, we mentioned, Grayson in, The Golfer. Grayson Murray?


Is that who it is? Yeah. That's


his name. I believe so. and her daughter actually went to school with him.


And apparently he was living with a lot of golf phenom pressure from a very early age. Thanks.


since elementary school. yeah, yeah, that'll screw you up.


also in, in fan mail, I saw that our business cards had arrived. yes, they did. They are


here. I pulled one out of the box, but they're, the writing is very small and I increased it based on a suggestion of Canva and it's still very small. it might just be because of my aging eyeballs. That you, it's readable


bare bones band for sure.


So they're still very usable, but they're so pretty and I super love them. So when I see you on Sunday, I will bring you half of them.


I'm very excited. I can't wait to give them to everybody I talk to, or I can't wait to leave them all on my desk. And then be like, Oh, you know what? We have business. I will, I would catch up with you later about that, getting that business card out there. Oh. and one thing I don't have on our agenda to talk about, but I really want to mention is the, the bare bones banter. So getting back to our bare bones banter episodes, I finally have, have everything the way I like it. For our interview with, Jackie and Ed Faircloth from March 4th. So not the date, March 4th, the organization, March 4th. I haven't, I was going to say, I feel like he definitely did it after that. I've been sitting on it since then, but, but I need to send them the link and have them, just give it a listen and see if they like it, see if they want to make any changes. I am hoping to get our first. Bare bones banter out there for everyone. Friday. This week. So that would be the 9th. August 9th should be our premiere episode. yeah, and we are looking forward to doing, to doing more of those. So just hang in there if you like the bare bones banter. We got a shit ton for you. Also, I can't wait to post something with a different logo. I'm so excited to see what that looks like. So you guys will be able to go through and immediately know which one is the Bare Bones Banter, based on the Bare Bones Banter logo that my impeccably talented younger sister was able to create for us. Who's pretty? did I mention her eyes are nice too? You


should, you should watch it. Are you still posting shit to YouTube? Do we, do you put these on YouTube? Here's the thing,


like the editing software? Automatically. We'll bump that sucker up on YouTube. So yeah, if you guys aren't checking out our episodes, you can see the face I make when I talk about how pretty Sarah's eyes are, because it is comical. Also,


What you need to watch is last week's episode. Oh my god. Unfortunately, you cut out a lot of the faces that you made.


I was a dick last week. yes, it was good. Sorry.




As I was editing, I was like, I have to say what happened there because I'm going to cut out all of the parts where I was a giant a hole. and it, You would notice it in the editing. Plus it was fun to like mess around with that. I'm like now I feel like I can Ferris Bueller it all day long and just swoop in with some commentary and then swoop out again.


I like that you refer to that as Ferris Bueller. You know what I mean? looking directly


at the camera. Yeah. Yeah. Looking directly at the camera. Again, you'll have to


And there was the swooping and noises that I appreciated. I like that.


Who's a genius at this podcasting stuff? It's me.


Yeah. You know what we should put on our list for next month? we need intro music, man. How do we add that? Does your software do that?


There's an opportunity for us to add stuff at the beginning and stuff at the end and stuff dispersed throughout. Yay.


Yeah, we should probably start doing that. I will


compose, the music.


I like it. If we could use, I don't know, something from the Deadpool Wolverine soundtrack, because I saw that on Sunday, and the first thing I said when we left is, I can't wait to listen to that soundtrack, because it was fucking awesome.


We can't. Use any of that, because then we would have to pay, Ryan Reynolds.


Like he needs any more fucking money. Or Hugh Jackman.


either one. we could set up a meeting with them to talk about it.


Yeah. Can we throw in, Rob McElhaney as well and just we'll talk about Deadpool, Wolverine and Welsh soccer


teams. Yes. Yes. Oh, and yeah. And if you could get Blake Lively to get in touch with Jason Kelsey, cause I think she can.




oh my gosh. We are having such a productive,


I think that would be fantastic. and I would really like Kylie, that's her name, right? Kylie, Kelsey. I saw something on Facebook and she was referred to as the queen of Philadelphia, which I thought was the best fucking thing ever.


Oh my god, I want to be the queen of Philadelphia. No, I don't want






the queen of




It was freaking amazing. Like I was like, it's true. That's so it's amazing. It's awesome. And man, are the two of them just living it up, in retirement days? I'm sure they're, I'm living it up. I don't, but they're having a fucking hell of a good time. I


want to be doing, and it's pissing me off.


Yeah. They're doing so much fun stuff. So I think it's amazing and I love, I'm on board. I love it. I'm gonna hang out


with the U. S. women's rugby team.


I'm afraid. Did you hear?


the pitch for how they're trying to get girls to, to join the rugby teams, cause it, I did not. It goes like this. Enlighten me. if you are playing basketball or soccer or tennis or table tennis or pickleball and someone has told you, you are too aggressive for this sport, please come on over, please send us an email and see if a rugby might be your jam. I was like.


I love that. So is Olivia going to start playing rugby? when


Olivia was looking for schools, I was like, you should find a school that not only has a soccer team, but also a club rugby team. Because I think this might be your call. This might be the place for


I think she would kick some ass on that. Instead of fighting


with the parents from the other college soccer team, this might be a place where you're loved and appreciated for exactly The antisocial violent human being you are.


I love it. I think it's perfect. I think it's, and I will say right now. So are we going to, are we going to use this to segue into Olympia? That was my plan. What do I think? Think that's a good idea. man, might I mention first off, us women's soccer go into the gold medal match. It


might already be over.


No, it's at noon. It's at noon on Friday. They played the semifinals today against Germany. They just finished against Germany. I'm guessing they


won. So it'll be fun for me to watch that. Yeah. I ruined that for you. It'll be fun for me to.


Kind of ruin that for you. No. Do you want you how? Let me just tell you the score. No,


I'll just DVR. it's on tape. I taped it.


Yeah. you can, you taped it. Yeah. yeah. You can go to, Peacock, which we got just for the, Just for the Olympics and they have replays on there. It's fantastic. So that's how I watched their last game because I missed it What was it Saturday or Sunday? I think it was actually Sunday maybe But yeah, so I watched the replay So Peacock is wonderful for that and I might actually watch it again tonight because I didn't watch it. I just listened to it Amazingly I can't share anymore. Yeah, I can't share anymore. Don't


don't I'm


just going to watch it. You'll just have to watch it. I've already shared that they won and they're going to. The gold medal match, which is pretty awesome. And I'm so mad that you didn't watch it because I want to talk about it. Let's move on. Snoop Dogg.


I, here's the thing. Like every Olympics that comes around, I'm like, these are just a lot of sports that I do not care about. I did not going to watch any of it. I'm not going to get the peacock. I like, if I want to tune in, I'll just tune in on my phone or whatever. I'm like, I'll just watch the highlights. and then I get all. All up in the competitiveness and I want to watch everything like I want to watch the guy shoot with his hand in his pocket like John Wick. I love that guy and his little 24 year old friend who did the same thing. Like I want to watch that. I want to watch Colin Jost host surfing from Tahiti. Which I didn't realize was French until again, I, yeah, Tahiti is French.


Okay. I obviously, yeah, that's why it's there. That's why it's there. But, I have, I'm very emotional about the Olympics. Like I cry at everything. Like today I watched, 1500 something running race. I don't know what, it's a few laps. I'm not really sure whatever that is. But what was great about it is I listened to them interview, like the top two people, Who had the world record and the whatever and they were talking like major shit on each other Right and neither of them won one of them didn't even matter. It's always a surprise a US guy won It was fucking fantastic. And I legit was like all teary eyed a US came in first and third And one of the guys was like in the middle of them and it was like at the last second, it was fucking amazing to watch. And here I am standing in front of the TV, up close. Cause I can't fucking see anything these days. And I'm a little tear and I'm cheering. I'm cheering. Like I know these people, like I've been watching this event, all their train. I don't even know what the fuck the event was, but I was so into it. That and watching their families like they replayed their families watching it and it's I'm getting the chills just talking about It's fucking amazing. It's so much fun. Oh, yeah, Snoop Dogg. I'll bring it back to him Is there for everything and I'm not sure why he is not running. I would vote for Snoop


Dogg They I would vote for a Snoop Dogg Martha Stewart ticket 100


percent 100 percent and especially if they are going to dress up in equestrian outfits for debates and shit. I'm fucking in. Did you


see that? The fucking Snoop Dogg in a fancy fresh French, French restaurant eating lardon. He was like, what the Martha? What's a lardon? He's oh, it's pork. He's I like me


some pig.


Just freaking delightful.


I'm going to have to look it up. I think one day when I don't have anything to do, those days are very common. that's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to go on YouTube and I'm going to search every Snoop Dogg Olympic video and just watch every single one of them. And he's smiling


at Michael Phelps's house. He's holding a baby. He's staring at Tom Brady for some reason. That might, that one might not be true. They might've just both been at the gymnastics thing. I will apologize because all of my Olympic knowledge is coming from things I've read on Facebook. So now I'm on that page where all of my news is social media based. Perfect. I also, Oh, sorry. It's One more thing I would like to


bring up about the Olympics. That's okay.


here's the reason I put the Olympics on here a, because I love them and it takes me a week to admit that I love them because I, I want to be old and jaded and be like, it's. all the resources we put into this would be better spent doing other things. but this is fun and thank you Olympics for being there and letting me talk about you. And also I was, yeah,


I'm still in the camp of opening ceremonies and shit. Like all the money that's put into a lot of it, it might be a little bit much without that. maybe we could dial it down and take that money and give it to people who need it. But whatever. But the rest of it, I'm here for it. I am also loving, I


know I was real bitter and shitty about it last week, but I am also loving all of the mental health talk that's going on. Not even just with Simone Biles, but with the, I heard something about the running athletes and the swimming athletes and like watching Katie Ledecky be like, as long as this is fun, I'm going to keep doing it. And I don't know if we talked about that commercial last week where the mom and the dad are like, Hey, is this what you want to do? Seeing those kind of commercials on top of, you gotta be the best, you gotta be the best. And seeing that guy from Turkey just roll up there and, shoot from, with his hand in his pocket. And he's good at it because that's what he does. That's fun. He likes it. And Katie Ledecky is, I'm going to keep swimming because I'm the best person who ever fucking swam in a pool. And if I still like it, I'm still going to keep doing it. And it is fun to win. And it's fun. 11, 000 medals. and I love Simone Biles voice like, Hey, do you guys think maybe you could hold off asking me what I'm doing next and just let me enjoy the culmination of a lifetime of sacrifice for 15 minutes before someone wants to know if I'm going to be in LA. Relax. Yeah. Love it. And it struck me last night while we were watching gymnastics that there aren't really any like 14 year old kids there anymore. Like you'll get an occasional teenager. There's like a 16 year old runner guy who was like an alternate for something. There's like a six year old swimmer randomly, but it felt for a while there where everybody was like 11. In on the gymnastics team and the fact that we have moved beyond that and are Looking at ways to train longer and giving these athletes the opportunity to go to college and compete in the olympics, at least for gymnastics because that's mainly what i've been watching but Yeah, i'm loving it. I'm digging it I like the way that this is going and i'm in a much better place this week than I was in last week So so yay olympics You I concur on


all points.


any other Olympic thoughts other than, Kevin Hart is trying to do the same thing he did with Snoop Dogg last Olympics, but it's with, Kenan Thompson and


hilarious. It's not as, it's, Kevin Hart is, Ultimately a funny dude and I love him. Yeah, I love him and I will listen just for him, but it's it's so much better with him and Snoop. But


they're both comedians and Snoop is funny just because he's Snoop. yeah, I will also mention Flava Flav.


Yeah. I haven't really paid that much attention to Flava Flav. I saw one picture of him with the polo cap on.


He just paid for everything for the polo team. One of the track athletes was like, I can't pay my rent. And he was like, I got you.


Yeah. And he, same, which I'm amazed that Flavor Flav still has money. Like what? Wasn't he on some, I don't know why I'm amazed by that, but he was on reality shows and I figured that just means that you've run out of money.


Was that Brett Michaels? Get them mixed up. I guess he was legit. But I think both of them, yeah, boing all over the place at the Olympics. Yeah, I'm here for it. 100%. I'm like, yes, let's do it. Love it. we need more Olympic mascots. in the form of nineties, rap stars, all right. That's all I have about the Olympics and I don't have a super good segue into the next part. while we're watching the Olympics, my little athlete is getting herself ready to go back to school. That was pretty good, Anyway. Liv is getting ready to go back to school and she, like over the course of the summer, she gets a note from the housing people. They're like, hey, here's your roommate. She's, she's I don't want a roommate. And I don't think that you're planning on having a roommate, and what do we have to do? Joelle doesn't have a roommate because she's got accommodations for her disability. And what do you mean? it was part of the presentation, and for some reason my brain, automatically discounted any kind of, psychiatric disorder as a disability. And last year, didn't even cross my mind, didn't even think about it, didn't even ask Olivia if she thought that we should talk about maybe getting some accommodations for her ADD, her depression and anxiety, or her obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a new fun diagnosis for her this summer. Hello?


oh, you have frozen. I have lost you.


Oh, here I am again. I

Hey guys. so this is where we started having some technical difficulties. the power went out at my house and I lost my internet. So I couldn't keep recording. And Sarah bless her heart hung in here for like 10 minutes. I'm going to let you guys listen to how we figured out if we were going to keep going or stop. Cause that's kind of funny. but yeah. have a, have a listen. the rest of this should be like a fever dream,


wonder if this will be in the recording. I don't know if this will record, but I'll go ahead and give it a shot. since my sister lost power and I'm here by myself and there was a long, pause of silence, but, I'd like to tell a story about how I stole my sister's phone once and logged in, to her Facebook. And, posted that she pooped her pants in Walmart and had to take off her underwears and leave them in the bathroom. oh, the good old days. Hello. Hi.


Hi. We don't have any power. Our generator's on, but our internet is out too. It looks like.


Oh no. Okay. do you want to, I could stop this recording and we can, give it a shot again tomorrow morning or.


Yeah, that works. Are you


good with that?


Yes, that works just fine. Sorry. We're on a roll too. That was a good episode.


That's okay. We'll have half a good episode and then half of a morning episode.


Wow. That was a little bit crazy. welcome back. not welcome back for you guys because you've been here. You haven't changed. You're probably still in the same exact Why are you showing me your boobs?


Because I had to silence I had to silence the background.


Oh! There you are. I am the


almighty. I am the almighty Oz.


I had to silence the background. anyway, so here's what happened. We were recording and then There was a electric, The power went out. In my house,


an electric event,


electric event, more like a weather thing. So there actually was a tree. It wasn't either weather or electrical. It was a tree fell over there and, knocked out power to 86 people. It's okay though. Cause I have a generator. So the power came back on immediately, but also next to that line. Was the internet, the fancy internet line that we have here. And, that meant we couldn't do anything. what you just listened to was last night and now we are here again this morning. disappointingly, Sarah's already fixed her hair, so you're not going to get to enjoy that.


I worked out this morning, took a shower. I'm doing things, man. I'm doing things. I laid


in bed until 15 minutes before we were supposed to start recording. And then I needed an extra five minutes to do something with my bangs.


Yeah. And I don't feel like it really works.


No, nothing works. Nothing works. I don't know what to do. They're always going to be like that.


It's good news, though, because that's new hair. So you're getting hair back?


Yeah. I'm delighted to have them. Happy they're there. But I also look like Something about Mary for those little bit. Yes, too young for that. Just look it up


I hate the fact that people are too young for shit that we reference. I hate that.


It's very upsetting


Make the


good news is that I got to watch the 1500 Running race you were talking about and I have to say that Scandinavian guy like I've never been happier to watch somebody lose You A race? Yeah. As I was for that guy.


I didn't know who was who and who was talking because I was in my office and it was on out in the living room. But I just know that there were two dudes talking shit and they sounded kind of asshole ish. And when I went out and actually watched the race, neither of them, were talking. One gold, one of them didn't even get a medal.


Yeah. that Scandinavian dude was setting a pretty hard pace, made the one guy just quit like three laps into it. He was like, I can't. And yeah, I heard that. Like it was an


insane pace. It was an insane pace. Cause that's when I went out and watched it. Cause it like just the hype, like the announcers talking about it, like about this insane pace that they were setting and people are just keeping up and it was, and. Like I've never seen this before and I was like I gotta go see what the fuck is happening. What's going on? Yeah, so yeah, that's what happens kids when you try to be a show off and when you're a dick I shouldn't say that. I don't know him. He might not be a dick


but I mean feel


like they were I feel like they were talking some serious shit before and


Like they were calling each other idiots and I was like,


I'm all for


confidence. I'm all for confidence. But the trick with confidence is, just go out and beat me on the racetrack and be like, Hey, good effort. Good effort.


Yes. This is what I tell Owen all the time. I'm like just kick their ass on the field Like it's that's it's that simple


have a little class act like you've been there before all of these things that I think either a coach or our dad said to us along the way like There's really no need to talk a lot of smack.


No no, and this is what happens when you do that,


right? Then you show up at the race to


karma land,


and you're in it.


Like both of those guys from the u. s. I thought it was fucking fantastic It was like of all the shit i've watched so far And I cry all the time. Like I said yesterday at everything By far, this may not by far, but this is definitely the best thing I've watched. It was freaking fantastic. Oh,


but what is this on my hang? Hang on. Hold on one second. Oh, great news. Yeah. That meeting I had at, at eight, eight 30 is now at eight o'clock. Half an hour.


Oh, so we're not gonna be able to do this.


Okay. yeah, so we'll just do this all again. okay. Love you. I love you too. Have fun, I'll see you at 3. 30. Okay, bye.



Hey guys, so welcome back


to the third try.






I don't know. I, it's, yeah, it is. We have, we have struggled, more than we normally do. to get this one in the can, as I think they say in, in some line of work.


In whatever.


I don't know. I don't know. so here we are back again. Olivia has been watching the Olympics all day.


Party on, party people. Let me hear some noise. DC is in the house. Jump, jump for joy. There's a party over here. Party. Okay.


All right. Are you done? Party. Okay, hang on, I'm trying to You said back again,


so it, it triggered. It's triggering to me.


Ridiculous. there it is. Aw, college.


What happened?


Oh, man. What is it doing? Okay. I just, okay. We're here. Can you hear me now? Okay.


I can hear, I can hear, so we were talking about the Olympics this morning.


Olivia's been watching it all day, and I've popped in there on occasion. What has she


been watching? Because I've been listening to it all day.


She watched, I popped in, around lunchtime, and there was a medal ceremony happening. And I was like, oh, that's nice. What did we win? I know what it is.


I know what it is.


I know what I had the same question. Because I had the same question. I was like, what the fuck? Go ahead. Go ahead. Don't spoil it. And I was like, what? What is it? Did that, is it just the gold and the silver people that come out? Like when, is there not, there's no podium? Like what? What is happening and I hope you notice what


I noticed


and there was like a French dude Like in and out metals What did you notice?


it's not 2022 and they we weren't we aren't in Beijing


On their little things. Oh, I did not notice that I was like, oh, yeah, what that guy's doing I was like, I don't, it sounds familiar, but I don't remember what, and then boys and


girls were on the team,


right? Composition. I was like, wow, they're


really pretty too. It


was like, all of these things. Is it table tennis? it's not a sport where you're beating the shit out of somebody. it's not rugby. I think 2020, it's


not 2022. I don't fucking understand. I'm did they run out of the neck things and they just, they had excess from 2022 in Beijing? I don't know.


Are they running these Olympics like I run a kiddie soccer tournament? I was so confused. Figure skating. Y'all figure skating there because they were accused of




right? Somebody doped up the baby girl who won a gold medal there, I remember her being really good and being like, wow, that's, she's pretty good. yeah, so they took her gold medal away and gave it to somebody else, which I guess is a thing that happens all the time now.


fair enough.


It seems fun. And then I just was in there and they were doing, Olympic lifting, so everything is in kilograms. And I thought of you because say,


it fucks me up, man. Fucks me up. Can't do it.


I was like, I think I could lift 110 kilograms. it doesn't seem that like that much.


I went and said something about kilometers and I was like, I don't know, does not compute


America. I don't know. And then I told a funny story you'll appreciate about when I did CrossFit.


I was just going to say, I bet you love the lifting because it reminded you of CrossFit


and I did CrossFit in the UK. In Wales. Oh, dear God.


Oh, jeez.


Crossfit with accents. And I walked in and they were like, all right, so what's your one rep max? And I know what that meant, but I was like, 140 pounds. And he was like, do you, how, in kilograms? And I was like,


nope, abort.


I was like, I just remembered I have to go, cause I don't know what you're talking about. I was like, I don't know. What about me being American makes you think I'm going to know how much a kilogram is?


Yeah, I don't I was like, do you have it?


is it printed on both sides of the weight? Because, so that's what we do. Should


be. Yeah,


I was like, you know how we have rulers and they have centimeters and inches on them I was like did do you have it like if you turn the weight over is it in pounds?


Yeah, they do that because we're like the only ones who still use right? It's fine. It's, again, it's just as dumb as the UK is. Hate everything. All over again.


All right. So we have to stop talking about the Olympics. And I looked back, we


recorded an


hour yesterday, not half an hour. So we've got 58 minutes of us babbling about the Olympics,


but there's so much fun, like water polo today and the, synchronized swimming. That's no longer called synchronized swimming. And it's more than two people. There's eight of them. Have you watched this?




artistic water, something I forget the name of it, but you legit have to look it up as soon as possible. Watch China or whatever they're called. There's several words in the China name now. you have to look them up. Yeah. That Jesus, you have to look that up because it is that in water polo or to the most amazing fucking things I've ever seen. Like I can't tread water for five seconds, let alone tread water, hold a ball, pass it to someone, score 10, the goal. Whatever else. And then with the artistic shit, like you have eight people that you have to sink up with and you're in the water and you're out of the water and they have cameras under the water and they're all in sync on like their little legs are doing the same treading. It's un fucking believable. You have to watch it.


I am. I am enthusiastic about it now. also one more funny. Olympic thing. in a meeting today, I called beach volleyball, sand volleyball without the tiniest hint of irony. Like I wasn't trying to be funny. That's


sand. First of all, it sounded like you said, volleyball, which is what I used to call it. sand volleyball.


And then my friend Jim at work, he goes, oh yeah, I watched some water racing the other day too.


Oh, I love Jim.


Jim's a dick.


I was like. Oh, I watched some water racing. Oh, yeah. The swimming. Okay. I get it. I was like


sand volleyball? He's like beach volleyball. I was like, oh, my bad.


I love it.


Okay. Let's talk about college accommodations. Because I think that's where the electricity went out yesterday. So I was talking about, how these things are available and, in the process of trying to figure out where Olivia is going to live. She mentioned that her friend Joelle had these accommodations for her, psychiatric disorders. And I was like, We, what we could do that. We could do that for you. So I like got the ball rolling on it. Now you have to talk to the disability services people at the school and at Olivia school, the lady who runs the disability service. Her name is gay. Litten. It's so hard. I


can't. So hard. I just.


No, I imagine this was problematic for her in elementary school, I would imagine. Like, how old is she? She's an older lady, and honestly, one of the sweetest, most helpful people that I have talked to in my adult life.


her name is Gay. So she was obviously named gay because when she was born, it was just happy. You were just happy. So






that's it. And I talked to gay and I was like, Hey, listen, this is what I'm thinking we need to do. And we haven't done it before. She's a lot of people are in the same situation. And. I'm mad at myself and what I wrote in our notes here is why am I so fucking dumb? Like why wouldn't it occur to me to do this for Olivia last year? Like,


why would it occur to you that this was a thing?


I don't, I paid it, they said something about it at orientation, but I wasn't, when I think of, Do


you know how much shit they say at orientation?


Exactly. I was like, I don't need to pay attention to this part because I don't, nobody's disabled. And I was like, yeah, these accommodations are nice. She was like, just look up. I was like, what kind of accommodation should we expect? Cause I don't even know. She's here's what's happened. You'll fill out the paperwork. We'll get a diagnosis from her doctor and then she and I will have a conversation and then based on that conversation, we'll come up with some accommodations for what she thinks will help her out. And the accommodations are great. Lovely for somebody who is a little bit neuro spicy. like you can have longer to take your tests. I


like the word neuro spice.


I forget where I stole it, but somebody from the internets. Oh,


I fucking love people from the internet.


you can have, she's if she's ADD, she might get, caught up in overthinking the answers to her exams, and then before she knows it, she's running out of time. And she can take her tests someplace else with less distractions. I'm like, this will be great because she had a miserable time with her roommates last year. And I think it's because she needs someplace where she can decompress and be alone and process everything that's been going on. And you can't do that when you have a roommate and live with four other people in a tiny little space.


will this help, will shit happen before she has to go to school next week?


here's struggle is that, yeah, it'll happen as soon as they get the diagnosis, but it has been like pulling teeth to get the diagnosis from the psychiatrist to the school. the psychiatrist needs a fax number to send it. HIPAA, means that it, it, overall HIPAA is a great thing. It is. Just send it. I'm like, I. Can't you send it in a secure document? I was like, just, here's what you do. You get it, I'll come and pick it up, and then what I do with it is my business. So I'll just scan it and send it because I don't care. Yeah. So that's the hurdle now. Like I talked to my girl gay yesterday and she's yeah, we'll start getting ready. when the diagnosis gets here, it gets here. We'll sit down and have a conversation with Olivia. she's the problem now is there aren't enough, rooms on campus. they were going through renovations and an entire building Can't take any students. So


yeah, you mentioned that yesterday. So what? So what happened?


we do the best we can. I told Olivia to come up with a plan B. find somebody that you like that you could live with, and then they're going to be the person that lives with you in your room, not just your suite. So hopefully she's taking care of that piece of it. But, like the accommodations would be like, Hey, just, and they have a little space for, the disability services. And Olivia was talking to one of the other kids and they're like, yeah, you can just go up there and there's little stress balls to play with. And, it's just a quiet space to be away from everybody. And I'm like, this is, This is amazing. So I thought that I would throw it out here because there might be tens and tens of our listeners that, that also have children that are going to college. Yeah, five of them too. Ones. Ones. There might be a listener who has somebody going to college and.


We might have a listener. After, maybe


not after this. but I thought that was, I thought that was nice and, not necessarily burdensome. That's good information. And what. the way that they approach it, and I assume that it's this way at every school, is that it's completely up to the kid. Like we will do accommodations. She's we won't even talk about it with them if they don't want to talk about it. She's we encourage them to, because it helps and it doesn't hurt them at all. And Olivia's, the interesting thing that Olivia said is, but I'm not a P word. I can handle it. And I was like, not the point, right? I was like. Not that, not the point. Avail yourself of the accommodations. Yeah, like none of this hurts. Like you, yeah, don't think about it like that. There are certain things that you're gonna need to do differently than everybody else. There are certain things I need to do in my work life that are different than everybody else and the sooner you accept that and understand that the accommodations are what you want them to be.




So lots of good things.


I dig it. I like it. Good message. Good message. I would like a t shirt that says I'm a little neuros. I


might make one for myself. all So really quick growing up gasser story of the week before we jump on into atomic habits. Thanks. So what I have written down here is post graduation depression that lasted for months and the support of the Gaster parents. I don't remember what it was like when you graduated because I wasn't paying any attention to you. Ever. I don't think.


Yeah, I don't think I was ever depressed to graduate.


I think maybe because you were there for eight years. Just ready to graduate.


Yeah. it depends on what graduation you're talking about. If it comes to, if it's high school graduation, I had a pretty shitty last few months of high school. And when I graduated, I was yeah, peace.


Yeah. Same. Like I had made all the friends that I was going to make. And I knew that there were better things ahead and that, my collection of people were still out there somewhere other than the small ones I had collected in high school. Yeah.


I, yeah, I was fine. And then we moved right after I graduated, we moved on to Denbo. so that summer I went back and hung out with some friends throughout the summer, but I think the worst part about that summer that I remember was actually just going to school because I missed mommy and daddy.




so that was the hardest thing for me.


What I'm talking about here. Now what I think I'm talking about is college graduation. So no problem graduating from high school, very excited to do that. Graduating from college was super traumatic for me. I had. I had some, I had lovely friends already, we did things, I went to a very small school where things were the same all the time and then I was out in the real world and this was before I realized I had a problem asking people for help. So even though I could have asked my professors for some help finding a job after graduation, I just wouldn't do it. I wanted, I think I even lied and pretended like I had a job when someone asked me. I wish I was surprised by that. Christine, you're, what are you doing after school? No, my, my dad, my dad works for a U. S. deal. So I've, I'll just work. I'll just probably just work there. like it was an SNL skit, only it was my real life.




I graduate, every single one of my friends from high school is gone, they're doing fantastic things, I'm essentially at home by myself,


I thought they


were doing fantastic things, I'm essentially home by myself, and and I'm broke. I was with you, you were there, and that was like the beginning of our bonding, I think.


Yeah. Yeah. We were just becoming friends. we were becoming friends through my high school career, but this was probably the most time that we had spent together when you came home. But, you


have to appreciate that when you're, when you're graduated from, from college and your best friend is a junior in high school, that maybe things aren't going all that great for you.


I was going Okay, a senior in high school. Yeah.


maybe That's fine. I was


17. Maybe you're not


living your best life. I would hang out on the couch and watch the O. J. Simpson trial every day.


Oh, wow. That's I love it. I love it because you were depressed. I didn't know you were depressed because I didn't because I was I paying attention to and it was like, I was living my best life because you had, you were in that little house behind us. So I would just come over there and smoke cigarettes all


day. I was 21. Was I 20? Yeah, I was 21 when I graduated. I would buy you a beer. Yeah, you bet. Everything's cool. yeah, we'll hang out. yeah, and, I think your dad would come home and peep in and see me on the couch where I'd been all day. I hadn't even eaten. I was just watching the OJ Simpson trial and he would go, are you gonna get a job? And I would go, I, yeah, I already have a job. I have graduation money. I had$3. And then, yeah, so poor, it was, and it, honestly, if somebody would have asked me if I was depressed, I would have been like, no, of course not. I'm watching OJ Simpson and every once in a while, one of my friends will pop into town and go to a concert with me. I saw the grateful dead last week. Why would I be depressed?




And then, and then I got that amazing, perfect afterschool job. the one where I spent 100, 000 on a, on an education and I ended up making Cinnabons at the mall.


Oh, that was my favorite. So good. I love that fucking icing.


and I got that job where I would answer phones at a real estate company all day.


that actually was extremely entertaining.


And I had to take the bus. So once I got up off the couch, I had two jobs and I think I even tried to have three jobs. I think I tried to go back to pizza works at one point.



Yeah. Okay. So at this point, The software stops recording me. My microphone goes out and Sarah's continues and we don't realize it for about 15 minutes and we tell a really great story about what it was like To for me to graduate from college and sit by myself All day every day where my best friend was 17 and I made every bad decision you could possibly make And at the end, we talk about how nice it is that our parents just watched that happen. They didn't try to intervene. they were understanding and kind and, perhaps just a little too busy to care about what I was doing. But in the end, that kind of worked out. And, I eventually did make one good decision, which was to go back to school far away from, from my parents. Anita and Jumbo, again, I can't thank you enough. You're the best. Love you. All right, I'm gonna let you guys listen to Sarah try and figure this out again, for a couple seconds, and then we'll, we'll jump back into the last session, where we try to talk about some atomic habits. And I think that might be it. hopefully I've lost track at this point, how many segments we actually recorded. All right. Thank you guys for hanging in there with us. this was epic. All right. Thanks. Bye.


I can't hear you. hello. I don't see a record button. Oh no, you didn't hit record. Oh no, you didn't hit record. I think. Did it stop recording when your headphones? Disconnected. Honestly, I think this is as good as it's going to get. Like you're piecing together whatever the fuck we have. Maybe we'll talk about the Gaster story again because it was pretty fucking funny, but fuck.


Either way, I'm gonna get off of here. So welcome


back for the fourth time.


I can't even talk about it anymore. You have to.


Okay. the title of this episode is going to be called, PETA and not PETA bed pain in the ass. It's actually going to be, Pain in the fucking ass. So pitfall




have recorded we have hit record 17 times a couple of times we haven't hit record But I don't know thought we were recording maybe so Yeah, all


i'll catch us up. we don't know anything about mental health So if you're here for medical advice, you're in the wrong place. we don't know anything about


podcasting We don't


obviously We got some fan mail from Yvonne. We have business cards. yeah. The Olympics are fun. Fucking awesome. We talked about that for hours. you can in college, if you have, a mental health diagnosis, you can get, accommodations. So if you are in that group, give that a go. It might help to make college easier for you with your, neuro spicy brain. Neuro spicy. we told a story of how I graduated and then made every bad decision one could make for a series of about six months.


I really hope that was recording because I feel like that was really good stuff. Me too because I feel like that was gold.


I opened my first credit card account. I got a dog.




I, my best friend was a 17 year old in high school. Yeah. I went on a couple of dates only because I was hungry. Lots of bad decisions. lots of bad decisions. So that was fun. And, now we are going to try to talk about atomic habits for a little bit. So to catch you guys up atomic habits, this is a book by James Clear that offers you some practical advice on doing the thing that the subtle art of not giving a fuck, also suggests that you do, which is to line your, line your life up with your values. figure out who you want to be as a person, and Atomic Habits will help you, based on that identity, build some habits to get from a slacker who buys a dog because they know for sure no one will ever love them. to responsible person who thinks that she's in a position to tell people how to live better life, live a better life you can get from A to B with these atomic habits. Nowhere in here does it say how to set up podcast recording in the atomic habits though. So we're still going to have to struggle through that one on our own. and, what we talked about is having those identity, based, habits. So again, going back to who do you want to be? Do you want to be the healthy person? Do you want to be a person who, loves and respects their family? Do you want to be a person who is a strong leader at work? find out who you want to be and then align your values and the way that you conduct your life day to day, your habits, based on that. So that kind of brings us up to date. We talked a little bit last time about, the four ways that you make a habit. So atomic habits is divided up into four parts. the four different ways that you make a habit. and I can't remember them off the top of my head, make it attractive, make it obvious. so we had talked last week about the make it obvious. And the way that the book talks about doing this is to link your habit with something that you're already doing, make your habit, it hits you in the face so that you can't avoid it. this week, last week, I thought that I will get dressed for yoga every day, and then that will help me go to yoga on the days when I have yoga scheduled. And, it helps me on the one day. On Tuesday, but on Tuesday, I also did three yoga classes because I was already dressed.


Yeah. that counts, right?


Yeah. and I think one of the things that I have written down here to talk about is this easy method. this is supposed to be the easy method. It's still hard as fuck.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's just going to be a theme as we go along. Like shit we talk about, it sounds real easy, but then actually doing it, there's Macho and he's right at the door. So that's just going to keep going on. Yeah. Yeah, it all seems real easy, but it's not. I did have some success myself.


Yeah. tell me about it. And then I will tell you what, I will share the quote that I put on our Facebook page. We'll talk about the quote here.


Yeah. so my thing, I believe in one of the things I just needed to get my ass out of bed. I needed to get my ass on out of bed and all of my shit was set up for me to work out on the floor. So my feet just had to hit the floor and that's all I had to do. And, so yeah, so that's what I, that's what I did. I have hit all of my watch goals since last Monday. Nice. So it's now Wednesday. So I have managed to get up and work out every morning and on the weekends I've been outside working out, working out, walking while Owen's doing soccer. so yeah, so I'm, that's happening.


That is amazing. Do you want to go let him out? No. we can It's fine. We can pause. Nope. it's not like we don't have No. No. Not fucking pausing. Dude. Fucking




I think you were more successful than I was, And I think a combination of things for me, like we, we changed plans in the middle of the week. we were going to be home all week. and, we ended up going to the cabin on Thursday, but if I was going to get ready to go to the cabin, I couldn't work out Thursday morning. Anyway, better planning on my part, I think, is what I need to make these things obvious. also, James Clear, my boy, says that it doesn't have to be perfect. Just get started. you don't have to, you don't have to work out every day for there to be, for there to be changes. Like the whole idea of the atomic habit is that these tiny things add up and working out today, as long as you work out another day and then another day and another day, you will eventually see. some of the positive things. So you're again, striving for better, but not perfect. So I think if we look at it in that context, you did amazing and I did okay. You did it. You


did. All right. But it's stuff to work on. And I think it's good to note that, life isn't going to be the same every day. So we have to, adjust. Based on what's going on without losing sight. Like I have the tendency to get out of these habits when I don't do them like for a weekend or for like I go on vacation. that's when I get out of habits. So that's something I have to be cognizant of when I go on vacation next time. Like, how am I going to plan to make sure that I don't fall off the wagon here?


Yeah, I have the same tendency. if I had planned to go to yoga and I don't go, then obviously I could never go to yoga again. Because I'm not good at going to yoga and that's not true. Again, getting back to that identity based thing. I'm somebody who goes to yoga. I'm not somebody who goes to yoga every day without fail. Perfectly all the time. I'm somebody who goes to yoga.




right. So the next part of making these habits, stick with us is that craving make it attractive. the idea is to use temptation bundling. So you pair it up with something you like, like when you walk, when you're at Owen's practice, are you listening to music that you like? Does that kind of get you into it?


I hide cans of beer all over the middle school campus.


Makes sense.


It's perfect. Now, I listen to podcasts.


that's awesome. So that's my


podcasting time.


I love it. That is it. That is amazing. I do the same thing for going to the gym because when I go to the gym, it's a half an hour there, half an hour back. So I have an hour of podcasting time. And I don't generally listen to podcasts unless I'm in the car. Yeah. So I think what I'm going to do is find one podcast that I really like. and 10 percent happier. I really like that, but I can never, there's so many of them. I can never figure out if I'm caught up or not. And there's plenty of them for me to binge on. So I think what I might do is start at the beginning and just binge 10 percent happier while I'm driving to and from yoga bonus


Oh, that's a good idea. So I like starting at the beginning


So the other thing that there's a Dunkin Donuts


In the parking


lot of the yoga place and, this one might get yourself a coffee, but that's what I was thinking. I'm like, I've really, I really like Dunkin Donuts coffee. I'm allowed to have coffee. There's nothing that should keep me from having coffee. Having a coffee won't blow my budget. So I'm not hurting anything else, right? By getting myself a coffee. And I think that would be if I could have that little thing, then I would be much more likely to go to yoga, which is going to have more benefits than the negatives of having a coffee, which it's the,


I, last week, I went out and got a new workout outfit, because I have nothing, I've no workout clothes or any of that shit that fits me. So I went out and I got, One workout outfit. Like I told Noah, I just need one cause I do laundry every day. So it doesn't matter. Just need one. And then I said, if I do this every day for the next week, I'm going to order myself a couple more things. Cause I got one of the tops I got from Kohl's. I really, really like. So I yesterday hit a week straight of doing this. So I ordered and on sale, I ordered two more of those workout tops. Love




Yes. So rewarding myself for this. And they're going to show up tomorrow and I can't wait to wear them.


I'm so excited. This is why atomic habits, right? Alright, that's it. I can't record anymore. I


Okay, shut her down. Love you. Shut her down. Love you, bye. Love you,



Bye. Bye.

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