The Mental Funny Bone

Episode Fifteen: It's Atomic

Christine Kanalis and Sarah Leibhart Season 2 Episode 1

Fan Mail Goes Here!!

In the latest episode of The Mental Funny Bone, Chris and Sarah make a big announcement about new content in a new format! They introduce Bare Bones Banter with The Mental Funny Bone, a new segment featuring interviews with friends and fellow advocates for mental health awareness. 

They express their gratitude for fan mail and share a heartwarming email they received. Chris talks about her experience with a new medication and the side effects she's experiencing. They also share a funny childhood story about Sarah's fear of the ocean and a memorable incident involving sand in her bathing suit. 

In this conversation, Chris and Sarah discuss the book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. Overall, they express excitement about applying the principles from the book to their own lives.

How to find mental health help when you're struggling.
Apps - Just search mental health where you get your apps.
EAP programs are a great place to look for help!!

Additional Resources (Sports Related):

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